
Quick Start Guide for Talent Llama

A simple, step-by-step guide to get started with Talent Llama quickly.
Adam Stokar
5 minutes

Step 1) Add an Interview Campaign 📣

  • From your Talent Llama account dashboard, click the "Add+" button located in the top left corner.
    • With ATS Integration
      • Select the job opening and posting directly from your ATS
    • Standalone
      • Paste text from any job description into the box
  • Click 'Import' to extract the job description and start building your campaign.

Step 2) Craft and Test your Interview 🧪

  • Talent Llama automatically generates a default interview based on your job description. However, you have full control to customize it.
  • Modify the Interview by adjusting Settings, Prerequisite Checks, and Topics to align with your needs.
  • For more detailed instructions, refer to our in-depth guide about crafting interviews.

Step 3) Import Applicants 📄

  • Navigate to the Applicants tab within your Interview Campaign.
    • With ATS Integration
      • Click 'Import from [Your ATS]'
      • Select the corresponding job and appropriate interview stage
      • Click 'Import' to link applicants from the ATS job to this Talent Llama Interview Campaign
    • Standalone
      • Click "Upload from My Computer," then drag and drop individual resumes or a zipped folder of resumes into the designated gray box.
      • Wait for the confirmation message, then click 'Finish Uploading' to complete the process

Step 4) Setup Invitations ✉️

  • Ensure your company's branding is accurately reflected by reviewing and updating the logos, colors, and messaging in the Branding tab.
  • From the Admin tab, determine how you want to send out invitations:
    • Automatic invitations: Turn on 'Automatically Invite Applicants to Interview' for a fully automated campaign. When the campaign is Active, any applicants in your Applicants tab will receive an email invitation and any future applicants that you upload directly or download from your ATS will also receive an email invitation.
      • Turn on Text message invitations to send a text message at the same time as the email invitation
      • Turn on reminders to continue sending invitations for up to 5 days
    • Manual invitations: Talent Llama can be used without automation as well. In this case, leave the Admin settings as is. Once the campaign is Active, each applicant in the Applicant's tab will show an Interview Link. Just copy this link and send it to your Applicant directly via email or text.

Step 5) Launch your Interview Campaign 🚀

  • At the top of the screen, change the campaign status from Paused to Active.
  • Important: With automatic invitations, activating the interview campaign will immediately invite all uninvited applicants in the Applicants tab to interview, so ensure everything is finalized before proceeding.

Step 6) Review and Evaluate ✏️

  • As applicants complete their interviews, you can review from the Results tab.
  • Use the sorting and filtering options to create a shortlist, or click on an individual applicant to view their full evaluation, interview transcripts, and audio responses.
  • With ATS Integration evaluations and recommended next steps will automatically push back to your ATS once an interview is completed.

Need Help?

If you need assistance building an interview, we're here for you! Email support@talentllama.com and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.

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